Gas Fires
A wide range of materials provided by Vitcas which will help you maintain any gas fireplace in your home. In our shop, you can find ember packs, Vermiculite fire board (used for Fire-proof Insulation) and pipe jointing compounds.
Benefits of a gas fireplace
A gas fire is very efficient as it has a high output and uses all the heat produced, without any waste. Moreover, it can take on many forms from being a freestanding stove to a built-in-the-wall fireplace. Another crucial element is its convenience- you can just switch the fireplace on and off, without having to undertake the more onerous task of starting a fire in a traditional fireplace.
Our materials
Our products are distinguished by their high quality. All of our materials are resistant to high temperatures and are very durable during exploitation. Those features are crucially important if you want your gas fire to stay safe and remain in good shape for a long time.