The Silent Threat: Where to Place Carbon Monoxide Detector for Maximum Safety

The Silent Threat: Where to Place Carbon Monoxide Detector for Maximum Safety
10 July 2023 Edited Loading... 383 view(s) 8 min read
The Silent Threat: Where to Place Carbon Monoxide Detector for Maximum Safety

Carbon monoxide, known as the 'silent threat,' is an invisible, odourless and tasteless gas that poses a significant risk to human health. It is produced when fuels like gas, oil, coal and wood do not burn completely. What makes carbon monoxide particularly dangerous is its stealthy nature — it's almost impossible to smell gas without a detector. The danger of poisoning is often underestimated, yet it is a leading cause of accidental poisonings worldwide.

The silent threat of carbon monoxide can strike anywhere, at any time. In enclosed spaces, its concentration can quickly reach lethal levels. This is why it's so vital to understand the threat and take all necessary precautions. The first step towards this is recognising that carbon monoxide is a potential hazard in any home or building where fuel-burning appliances are used without ventilation equipment.

Why Carbon Monoxide is Dangerous

Incomplete combustion which creates carbon monoxide is a potential source of severe poisoning and even death. Carbon monoxide is dangerous because of its ability to replace oxygen in the bloodstream. When inhaled, the gas binds with haemoglobin — the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body. This creates a compound called carboxyhaemoglobin, which prevents the blood from carrying enough O2 to vital organs and tissues. As a result, the body's cells and tissues are starved of O2, causing them to die.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can be mild and easily mistaken for other illnesses such as the flu. These can include headaches, dizziness, nausea and fatigue. However, prolonged or high-level exposure can lead to more severe symptoms like confusion, unconsciousness and even death. This makes the timely detection of carbon monoxide leaks extremely crucial.

carbon monoxide poisoning alarm

What is a Carbon Monoxide Detector and How Does it Work?

A carbon monoxide detector is a device designed to detect the presence of carbon monoxide in the air and sound an audible alarm, to warn occupants of potential danger. The detector works by measuring the level of carbon monoxide in the air over time. If the level exceeds a certain threshold, the alarm is triggered, alerting people in the room or vicinity to the risk of poisoning.

Inside the detector, a chemical sensor is responsible for detecting carbon monoxide. When carbon monoxide molecules enter the device, they react with the chemical solution in the sensor. This reaction generates electrical currents, which the detector measures. If the current in an electrochemical sensor exceeds a certain level, it means the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air is too high and the alarm is activated.

Importance of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Given the stealthy nature of carbon monoxide and the severity of carbon monoxide poisoning, having a carbon monoxide detector in your home or building is not just important, it's a life-saver. The detector provides an early warning, giving you and your family enough time to evacuate the building and call for help. Without it, you may not realise there's a carbon monoxide leak until it's too late.

Carbon monoxide detectors are also essential for home security and ensuring the safety of your guests and visitors. If you run a business that invites people onto your premises, such as a hotel or a B&B, it's your responsibility to provide a safe environment. Having carbon monoxide detectors installed is a critical part of fulfilling this duty.

Where to Place Carbon Monoxide Detectors for Maximum Safety

The placement of CO alarms is crucial for their effectiveness. Ideally, you should install a detector on the ceiling or walls on every level of your home, including the basement and attic. Install detectors near bedrooms and living room areas where people spend most of their time. This ensures that if the alarm goes off, everyone will hear it, even if they are asleep.

However, it is recommended that the best location for a CO detector is a wall or a shelf that is at head height.

Avoid placing detectors near windows or vents where drafts could interfere with their operation. Also, install them at least 4.5m (15 feet) away from a fuel-burning appliance to prevent false alarms. Remember, carbon monoxide detectors are not substitutes for smoke detectors. So, ensure that you have both types of detectors in the same room of your home to ensure maximum security.

It is also recommended to install CO alarms at a reasonable distance from ceiling and wall fixtures like light fittings or extractor fans.

Understanding the Recommendations for Carbon Monoxide Alarm Installation

When installing a carbon monoxide alarm, one should pay close attention to certain guidelines to ensure optimal security. For instance, it's recommended to install at least one alarm on the wall on each floor of your home. If you have a multi-storey house, ensure the alarms are interconnected so that when one alarm sounds, all alarms in the house will alert. This will allow everyone in the house to hear the same alarm sound, regardless of where they are.

Install carbon monoxide alarms in living rooms, near bedrooms and within 3m (10 feet) of the ceiling of each sleeping area. This is crucial because incidents often occur during the night when people are asleep. Additionally, if you have a connected garage, consider installing an alarm there as well. Cars left running in a closed garage can produce dangerous amounts of poisonous gas.

Detecting Carbon Monoxide Leaks: Prevention and Safety Measures

Preventing leaks is just as important as detecting them. Regular maintenance and inspection of fuel-burning appliances such as boilers, heaters, cookers, stoves and fireplaces, can help to prevent leaks. Always ensure that these appliances are installed and serviced by a qualified professional. Also, make sure your home is well-ventilated, especially around these appliances.

If your carbon monoxide detector goes off, don't ignore it. Evacuate the premises immediately and call for help. Don't re-enter the building until it's been inspected and deemed safe by a professional.

The Role of Fuel Burning Appliances and Solid Fuel Appliances in Carbon Monoxide Production

Appliances like stoves, ovens, boilers, water heaters, and furnaces, as well as solid fuel burning appliances such as wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, can produce carbon monoxide when they do not burn fuel completely. Poorly maintained central heating systems or improperly installed gas appliances, are particularly at risk of causing leaks.

The risk is also higher in enclosed spaces where the gas cannot escape, such as a room with no ventilation or a closed garage. Additionally, using appliances designed for outdoor use, like a gas hob or another gas appliance such as a barbecue grill, inside your home can create dangerous levels of poisonous gas.

Choosing a Carbon Monoxide Alarm: What to Look for

When choosing an alarm, there are a few key features to consider. First, make sure the CO alarm meets the requirements of the British Standards BS 50291. These are official standards that ensure the CO alarm is reliable and effective. Secondly, ensure you have an audible alarm which you can clearly hear in each room.

Another useful feature in alarms is a digital display that detect carbon monoxide in the air. This can help you monitor the air quality in your home and take action, if necessary. Some CO alarms are battery powered and have smart features like voice alerts and connectivity to your smartphone, which can provide additional peace of mind. A battery powered detector may be the optimal choice, as it will monitor air quality even in the event of a power outage. However, you need to ensure to change out the battery on an annual basis at the least.

Another model of a CO alarm is the biomimetic sensor, which is made to change colour when too high levels of CO are detected.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Just like any other device, carbon monoxide alarms require regular maintenance to function effectively. This includes testing the alarm regularly to ensure it's operating correctly and replacing the battery at least once a year. Also, dust and dirt can interfere with the alarm's sensors, so regular cleaning is necessary.

Remember, a carbon monoxide alarm installed has a limited lifespan, usually around 5-7 years. After this period, their sensors may not work as effectively, so it's advisable to replace the entire unit. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific maintenance and replacement guidelines.

Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarms: The Differences and Similarities

While both a carbon monoxide detector and a smoke alarm are designed to alert you to potential dangers in your home, they serve different purposes. Smoke alarms reveal the presence of smoke, which usually indicates a fire. On the other hand, a carbon monoxide detector monitors the presence of the gas, which can be emitted from an appliance which burns fuel.

Despite their differences, both types of alarms are crucial for ensuring your home's security. Both these fire alarms should be installed in your home and maintained regularly to ensure they are working correctly. Also, just like a carbon monoxide detector, a smoke alarm should be replaced every 10 years or as recommended by the manufacturer.

Landlords are legally obliged to install both types of alarm and ensure they are working properly.


Ensuring safety from carbon monoxide involves understanding the risks, installing a carbon monoxide detector in the right place and maintaining it regularly. It also involves being aware of the symptoms of poisoning and knowing what to do if your carbon monoxide alarm goes off.

Remember, carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Don't take chances with your life/health or that of your loved ones. Act today and ensure your home is protected against this silent threat.

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