Heritage Railway
A collection of products you need for steam locomotives.
Inside the firebox & insulating the boiler
To form the brick arch above the boiler tubes in the firebox, we recommend casting the arch in one piece from Refractory Castable or alternatively, individual bricks can be made in moulds using the Refractory Castable for later assembly. For this purpose, we recommend using Refractory Castable Grade 1400 or Grade 1600.
The boiler can be insulated around the outside with Ceramic Fibre Blanket and underneath the cladding sheets.
Additionally, we sell Heatproof Screed which can be used for the floor area in the smokebox.
Pouring white metal bearings
Premium 1P is a specialised material which is designed to be used for sealing and as a luting compound when casting/pouring white metal bearings in the traditional manner. It can be easily removed afterwards and saves on the machining costs of the finished bearing.
You can find more information on our blog article on Railway Locmotive Boiler.